When working on any form of project, it's important to understand which are the right tools. Never use a hammer to turn a screw, or a pencil to make your bed. Working with the right tools ensures the job gets done properly and safely. This extends to all our tools, including our shoes. Knowing the different kinds of work boots can help keep you safe on site. The two types you can choose between are steel toe boots or composite toe boots.

CSA Tiger Safety Steel Toe Work boots 3055
A bit obviously, these boots are the ones with the toes protected by a steel toe cap. They are built to withstand pressure and impact, so they will keep you safer than other boots. They work best for heavy-duty work, and the cost is lower on average than other work boot options. The cons include the loss in maneuverability, as Steel Toe Boots are generally much heavier than alternatives.

CSA Tiger Safety Metal Free Composite Toe Work boots 5977
This tends to be more of an umbrella term, encompassing any boot with toes capped in non-steel materials.
Composite Toe Boots have become more common on worksites because they are much lighter and more comfortable, designed for people who walk around a lot during long workdays. Composite Toe Boots have toe caps created from anything from Kevlar to fiberglass, but they still take CSA standards into account during design. They do not set off metal detectors, nor do they allow the electricity room to move around, meaning they fill many niches that Steel Toe Boots miss.
It is important to understand which boots are right for your current work position. Knowing that CSA approved safety boots will keep you safe and help you get the job done to the best of your ability.